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Time Management for System Administrators. Thomas A. Limoncelli
ISBN: 0596007833,9780596007836 | 240 pages | 6 Mb
Time Management for System Administrators Thomas A. Limoncelli
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Continue reading Execute commands on multiple hosts using expect tool Part III of this series. Very good way of organizing your work day. [Cialug] Time Management for System Administrators. I'm still trying to find a good combination of GTD and other methods (Time Management for System Administrators shows a good mash-up of different methods, e.g.). Time Management for System Administrators, also from Tom Limoncelli. Thomas Limoncelli is the author of the O'Reilly book Time Management for System Administrators and his talk at the New York Linux Users Group was less technical than most but no less important. But not dealing with DRM is really nice. I recently paid them $20 for an epub of Time Management for System Administrators, versus $10 for the Kindle version from Amazon, and felt a bit silly. While self-hosting offers dedicated server resources and lots of flexibility, there are some downsides: System administrator time is expensive. Fraser Speirs on “Time Management for System Administrators”: You know time management is in short supply when O'Reilly is writing books about it. Michael Gorsline // Sep 2, 2008 at 8:56 am. Josh More MoreJ at alliancetechnologies.net. It boils down some very good reasons to automate. Read our book review of Time Management for System Administrators. As a side note, Tom Limoncelli wrote a section in his book, Time Management for System Administrators, on automation. I'm happy to announce that Time Management for System Administrators (O'Reilly) is now available on Kindle (both Kindle 1, 2 and iPhone), and is being sold without any DRM. System Administrators can reap great benefits by grabbing Thomas Limoncelli's Time Management for System Administrators , a work that is tailored specifically to SysAdmin's hectic life. What's the problem with self-hosting? Being an effective system administrator requires an ability to do several (seemingly obvious but often rather fraught) things: To break down projects into actions that we understand as a part, as a whole, and can manage in a discrete period of Rather than embracing the frustration that may come with a sub-optimal allocation of time or resources, give your manager visuals to obtain the resources you need by showing value and maintain focus on the team's vision.
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