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Magic's Pawn (The Last Herald-Mage Series, Book 1) by Mercedes Lackey

Magic's Pawn (The Last Herald-Mage Series, Book 1)

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Magic's Pawn (The Last Herald-Mage Series, Book 1) Mercedes Lackey ebook
ISBN: 0886773520, 9780886773526
Page: 352
Format: pdf

Book the Fourth of Valdemar, with 22 left, and being the first book of the second trilogy in the set, "The Last Herald-Mage." Yep, each This reminded me that I've tried to classify this series' target age group for some time now. 2) The likeable hero MAGIC'S PAWN, MAGIC'S PROMISE, MAGIC'S PRICE — this is the “Last Herald-Mage” trilogy, and it stars Vanyel Ashkevron, who is gay. As Lackey is one of my favorite authors, writing a review like this, where I stated she's “done this all before” and talked about the formulaic nature of the Valdemar series at this point was difficult for me to write. Note that saying 1) A likeable hero or heroine (in this case, Herald-trainee Mags). Posted by gefnsdottir in Books. Review: Magic's Pawn (The Last Herald Mage #1). I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with Mercedes Lackey's books. Magic's Promise / Mercedes Lackey New York : DAW Books, 1990 320 p. Many Heralds and Herald-Mages have died fighting to preserve the peace. The wild magic is taking its toll on the land. It's a strong narrative and a compelling story, and if you've read Magic's Pawn, the first novel in the trilogy, I'm going to suggest you try to ignore how angsty and whiny it is and try this one out because it's far better. This is the first book in a trilogy, entitled The Last Herald Mage by Mercedes Lackey, and if you enjoy fantasy novels and gay romance, you'll love this book!